

I am Seva. I left Russia; I studied in the UK and the US; I now live in the EU.

I have been making games since 2014: from paper prototyping role-playing games to full-cycle projects, personal and in a professionally-led team.

My focus is narrative design and its holistic integration with the game.
I design systems, make levels, and write dialogues.


My degree was in Classics and Philosophy at the University of St Andrews.
I followed it up with an MA in Humanities at the University of Chicago, culminating with a thesis and a game to illustrate its main point.

I have been building games on Unity since 2021, wrote text-generators on Python and complex nonlinear narratives in Twine, and am constantly expanding my skills.


I believe that games can be a tool or learning and generation of ideas.
A properly-designed game would ask the player to face
challenging and even impossible questions.
It would leave them if not with answers, then at least with
a nuanced understanding of complexity and ambiguity of the world.

I am learning to make such games.